One Year With Charlie Carter

One entire year has passed since bringing our beautiful baby girl into this crazy world. To be honest I'm still pretty shocked that I have a daughter; I feel so lucky.  {To read about the day we got to meet Charlie earthside click Here.}

 Charlie you have been such a gift, born just before the Covid 19 pandemic rocked the globe;  most of your short life we've been hunkered down navigating an ever changing new normal, but mostly soaking you up.  

Over the past twelve months I tried to document your ever-changing life to the best of my ability. I compiled each months letter and picture below to keep them safe and all in one place. We're so obsessed with you sweet girl.

To say I didn’t bawl my eyes out writing and compiling this would be a bold-faced lie, just ask your dad. I’m so obsessed with you, and will always be your number one fan. I know that one day, (hopefully not too soon) you’ll be independent and hardly need us at all; but I hope you know that we will ALWAYS need you.

As you can see, as we got to know you better these letters got longer. I can’t wait to see what this next year holds and every one after that. Thank you sweet girl, for teaching me more about life and love, but most of all, thank you for choosing me to be your mom.

Love you forever,

Love Mom xo

Last update Monthly, ready to be compiled into her yearly letter

here goes...

Twelve months, 365 days, about 8760 hours, one entire year with you Charlie Carter. 2020 was a historic year for the world in general...but 2020 was extraordinary because it brought us you, and you my love were exactly what we needed.

You weigh just over 20 lbs and measure over 2 ft tall. You rarely sit still, but when we snuggle in the rocking chair your body now cascades over mine, legs and toes draping over my frame, head in the crook of my arm, our hearts beating close, I want you to know, that no matter how much you grow and evolve, you will always have a spot here in my embrace.

This past month you’ve really shown us your flourishing personality. When asked, your big brother describes you as “silly”; but you are also wild, in the best way with a soft heart and determined presence. You are bright, sassy, spunky and humerus with a striking sense of feisty confidence; and I have a sneaking suspicion that you’ll keep your dad and I on our toes for years to come.

You like to dance, play, and try and keep up with your brother, and you’re forever sharing snacks with Sully. While I know your wildly capable of more than the ole one two independent steps...crawling is far more efficient at this point. Your curiosity often manifests into mischief, typically testing the limits that are intended to keep you safe.

I’ve tucked the sound of your little raspy voice, friendly “hi”, goofy “cheese” face and the way your eyes light up when I walk into the room, into my memory for safe keeping indefinitely.

We still often hangout, nursing, dozing and snuggling through the night while the rest of the house is in a peaceful slumber. While some of these nights are long, making naps necessary and the bags under my eyes evident I remind myself that one day you won’t need me so much.

This past year my heart has grown and loved like never before. I hate to admit the worry I had about welcoming a second baby after knowing how much I love your brother; but it’s true what “they” say because in hindsight there was never a question about how much love I have for you. I have laughed with you and cried with you, I have evolved and grown along with you, I have adored you unconditionally for 365 days. Thank you for choosing me to be your mama, I am forever grateful. Happy Birthday my sweet girl, Twelve months of loving on you… forever to go xo.


Eleven months and now over 8030 hours with you beautiful girl. 

This past month had been so fun watching your learn and grow. We had your first Christmas, a quiet, weird, emotional but still magical ending to 2020. 

You’re personality is starting to shine bright and fiery and genuine. Your little raspy voice is one of my favourite sounds, you love to chat with sully and yell at your brother. 

You’re curious and brave in all your explorations. Crawling fast, learning to climb and loving to rehome all of our things to the floor, resembling a Charlie tornado destruction in your wake. Your furniture walking skills are top notch and you’re incredibly close to taking independent steps, so naturally I’m bracing my mama heart for the pride and simultaneous mourning of your babyhood that will ensue with that milestone. 

Bath time is your favorite and you squeal and flap your arms in excitement and any chance you can get you make a break for the bathtub. You’re starting to share offering lots of snacks to sully especially and genuinely seem to enjoy eating everything and anything. We still spend oodles of time nursing, and nestled quietly doing so in your room is my favorite, even when it’s multiple times a night still 😉💕. 

Reflecting today as we’re about to leave 2020 behind I know that although this year was in interesting one; bringing you into the world and watching you grow has been the BEST thing I could have ever imagined. It makes my heart skip a beat knowing that the next time I do one of these updates you’ll be ONE. I can’t wait to continue celebrating all that you are. Eleven months of loving you earthside and forever to go my sweet girl ❤️



Ten months and approx 7300 hours with you sweet girl. 

You’re getting so tall! Your height has me scrambling to get you into all the cute clothing outfits we’ve collected before your toes bust through and we need to size up.

You’re crawl is quick, but You like to be vertical as much as you can—pulling yourself up on everything making you a furniture walker extraordinaire.  

You are curious and determined. You’re active explorations keep us on our toes always, and I’m sure that your braveness will have you running around before we know it. 

Your love to vocalize how much you love food cracks me up; making even the simplistic ingredients and offerings sound decadent. Right now your favs are pears, peanut butter toast and taco meat sometimes all together 🙃. 

You now have 4 teeth that have busted through resulting in the cheesiest grins. 

Nothing has really changed in the sleep department, we still have multiple visits throughout the night but it’s okay because we both still enjoy nursing and snuggling. Besides the chair in the nursery is very comfortable and well, time is a thief. 

Were collectively hunkering down and trying to make the best of staying cozy at home as the pandemic continues, allowing us to soak up these last few months of just the two of us. We love everything you are my love and can’t wait to learn all about you as you continue to grow. 

Ten months of loving on you, forever to go 



Nine months and about 6570 hours with you my beautiful Charlie girl. Nine months feels like a big milestone; we’re breaking even on the time you spent growing safe within me and time earth side, and I feel like I need to stop blinking. 

You weigh over 20 lbs and stand well above my knee. You’re height puts you into mostly 12 month and beyond clothing. 

You’re far more adventurous than your brother ever was, keeping us on our toes constantly. It’s legitimately risky to take eyes off you, for you’re fast and curiously destructive at all costs. You’re pulling yourself up on everything, in hindsight I’m glad we decided on a round coffee table. The dog dishes would be considered your favorite hangout, where you’re frequently seen splashing and trying to get a taste of Sully’s favorite weight conscious kibble 😂

You’re super tolerant of your big bro and I keep telling him that once you grow a bit more he may be in trouble. You popped three teeth this past month, two on the bottom and a giant one up top truly transforming the cute gummy grin. Growing teeth is tough and it certainly hasn’t helped the nightly sleep situation 😴. 

You still love to nurse frequently, and still consistently refuse milk from any other source but on tap. You get excited to eat anything we put in front of you, I think that dinner time might actually be your favorite time of day. You’re vocal and fiercely independent when it comes to high chair eating and love having your face and hands washed afterwards. 

Can’t wait to keep watching you grow, nine whole months of loving on you babe, forever to go xo. 


Eight months and about 5840 hours with you Charlie Carter. 

You weigh ~20 lbs, and my mom strength continues to steadily grow from keeping you close and content— typically in the crook of my hip, or cuddling in a wrap or sling is where you’re the happiest. 

Over this past month your hair grew a ton, and you were my maid of honor, which was really fun!! 

You’re gaining mobility, pushing yourself backwards around a room and rocking around on all fours. You’re starting to pull yourself up on anything you can, despite me pleading you to sit down, and stop growing up so fast. 

Your first tooth, the front bottom left, is currently popping though; last night was rough and you’re presently nestled content only in my arms, needing comfort which I’m more than happy to provide sweet girl. 

Food is your favourite, you’re game to try everything and disliking nothing! You’re begging skills are on par if not better than Sully’s, but we’re all happy to share. 

You think your brother is funny and show him grace even when he loves on you too hard. You have started to hug, hang on tight and reach for people, and when you hear someone say your name your grin lights up the room. 

Somehow you’re 8 months old, I can’t wrap my head around that but also can’t imagine our life with out you. Eight months of loving on you, forever to go beautiful


Seven months, 5110 hours with you Charlie girl.

You weigh 21 lbs and have long out grown most of your 6-12 month clothing. 

You’re becoming incredibly independent and happily sit and play and observe the busy world around you. We’re in the sweet spot where you haven’t quite figured out how to crawl yet, (although it won’t be long) but your determined to get where your going by rolling. 

I don’t want to jinx it... but I think we’ve turned the corner and you and I are getting a little bit more consecutive sleeping hours though the night. 🙌🏻 

You still like to nurse and you are seriously loving trying out real food— there really hasn’t been anything you haven’t been a fan of yet! 

Your gummy toothless grin lights up your bright blue eyes and your laugh is contagious. According to you, Benen is the funniest guy alive. (He is pretty hilarious) We love getting to know you more and more every day. 

Seven months of loving on you, sweet girl, forever to go 



Six months, 4380 hours, half a year with you Charlie Carter. I truly feel like you were born and then I blinked and here we are.

You weigh almost 18 lbs, you’re getting mobile rolling every which way and prefer to stand assisted instead of sitting. You like to copy our facial expressions, blow bubbles and shriek at your brother and Sully. 

You are bright eyed and mostly serious, but seemingly amused at the great big  world around you. You’re current favorite “toys” are my necklaces and your toes and you think its hilarious when Benen plays “pick-a-boo” with you. 

We started experimenting with food but you prefer to nurse. We still are having ample cuddle sessions throughout our nights 😴 but I always sit and rock and snuggle you a little longer than necessary because babies simply don’t keep. 

We love getting to know you, you’re loved beautiful, so loved. 

6 months of loving on you, forever to go



Five months and approximately 3650 hours with you sweet girl. 

You weigh approximately almost 19 lbs and you’re getting tall— I just re threaded the car seat straps to accommodate your height. 

You’ve been determined and steadfast knowing what you want and teaching me/us along the way. You are SO smiley. That gummy smile lights up the entire room. We occasionally humour you and you indulge us with little giggles but yesterday while cooking dinner in the kitchen you were watching Benen do his thing  and you let out the biggest belly laugh! Best sound ever.  I love watching you interact with the world around you; grasping toys, putting everything in your mouth, pulling sully’s hair, and rocking and rolling around. 

No teeth yet, just two little white nubs waiting to erupt, and an obscene amount of drool. This past month you made your maiden voyage to the cabin at the lake you and your squishy face didn’t mind the life jacket and you could say you enjoyed the boat ride.  You continue to adamantly refuse taking a bottle of any sort (I’ve lost count on how many we’ve tried) and you don’t particularly like when I briefly leave you for solo trips to the grocery store. We’ve been going on lots of walks and sharing you with  family. 

You’re so loved beautiful girl. I can’t wait to continue getting to know you and soaking up all your snuggles and littleness. Five months of loving on you forever to go 



Four months and approximately 2920 hours with you Charlie girl. 

You weigh 16 lbs, and are healthy as can be. 

You like to be sitting up watching what’s going on around you (mostly your brother and his shenanigans),and inquisitively taking in the details of this big world. You’re pretty chatty and tell us big stories and You’re constantly now flashing your gummy smile and occasionally letting out big belly giggles; although you really make us all work for those ❤️. 

You’ve also been working on the early stages of a tooth, which honestly in hind sight makes so much sense. You’re getting active moving and groovin and practicing your rolls. Benen usually giving you nothing but enthusiastic encouragement. 

We’re slowly expanding our bubble; and getting to share you with all your people that love you so much. You are so darn loved sweet girl. 

4 months of loving on you, forever to go 



Approximately 90 days, and 2190 hours with you Charlie girl. 

You weigh almost 14 lbs and I’ve officially folded up and packed away all of your newborn clothes 😭 it goes so gosh darn fast. 

This month we continued to take things slow on account of the covid pandemic and social distancing. I feel like we’re hogging you and we desperately miss all our family and friends. (Thank goodness for FaceTime)

Your gummy smile lights up the room and you’re really making us work for a giggle. I would be lying if I didn’t say that You’ve given us a bit of a run for our money the past few weeks, and it might be true what “they” say about second born babies. 😅 I think we’re all turning the corner though and there’s brighter happy days ahead 🤗

You’ve recently found your hands and your voice which is definitely one of my favourite sounds. You love to watch your brother and chat away to him and sully.  

You and I are still getting lots of good quality hangout time throughout the night, and despite being exhausted I find that I tend to hold on for extra snuggles long after you’re done eating and have drifted back to sleep.

Three months of loving on you sweet girl, forever to go 



Approximately 60 days and 1460 hours hours with you sweet Charlie girl. 

You weigh just over 12 lbs but I’m still trying to jam you in to teeny tiny newborn things 🙃🤷‍♀️

You still love the bath and eating (preferably from the right side 🤔) and have recently started to genuinely smile and coo at all the people that love you so much. 

We’ve slowed down even more in this post partum time during what we’re now experiencing as a global pandemic. We’re hunkering down as a family unit and practicing crucial social distancing resulting in some quality time to soak you in, and figure one another out.  You love watching both your human and fur brothers and they seem to really love you back—Both of them have zero concept of social distancing. 

Your hair is starting to lighten and your baby blues are bright. Sometimes You like to be pretty specific... and like to be in upright positions and bounce and sway. you also really enjoy being close worn in a wrap or a sling. You’re starting to become more alert but really only like to be awake for 47ish mins before you’re evidently just over it 🙃❤️

Two months of loving on you sweet girl, forever to go! 



Approximately 30 days, 730 hours, one entire month with you sweet girl. 

You weigh almost 11 pounds now and I can feel your growth laying heavier on my chest each day.

You are strong and wiggly and like to grunt, And furrow your brow. You’ve also been cracking your first legitimate smiles, which is kind of the best thing ever. You love baths, your change table, being snuggled and absolutely despise being cold or having a wet diaper— fair enough girlfriend.  

When youre not snoozing you like to calmly take things in with your beautiful big blue eyes. You like to be in upright positions and when you’re mad or sad your bottom lip quivers.

You’ve been here for one whole month, I’ve tried my best to savour it but it has flown by inevitably. One entire month of loving on you, forever to go xo!