Baby oh Baby The Places You'll Go

“Baby, oh, baby, the places you’ll go! The worlds you will visit! The friends you will know!” – Tish Rabe from the works of Dr. Seuss


Dear sweet baby “V” (as we’ve grown accustomed to calling you for now) we can not wait to meet you!


You decided to spice things up a little and at our 35 week appointment our midwife Lauren told me that you had flipped! You’d decided you needed a change of view and decided to sit bum down and head up close to my heart.


At 35 weeks there was still time and room (sort of) to convince you to flip back down into head down position. So I went and met with the most lovely naturopath doctor and started acupuncture treatments. She put the needles in my legs and tips of my baby toes, as she moved those needles in my toes you moved and grooved and wiggled about in my belly. We also tried burning moxa sticks at the ends of my toes; something your dad thought was witchcraft for sure. It was pretty voodoo magic like, and we laughed as your dad put these little sticks on my toes as I obviously couldn’t reach, and lit them on fire! It provided great entertainment for family brunch with your Grammy & Papa, Cousins and Uncle Justin and Auntie Ashley when we showed them the voodoo magic and felt and watched you wiggle about. I was determined to out stubborn you sweet babe, so I even went to the swimming pool and proceeded to do hand stands and somersaults with the help of Auntie and Kirsten holding my feet up in the air for as long as I could hold my breath. We rocked and bounced on the exercise ball and hung upside down from the couch all the while convincing you to get back into position to greet the world.


I don’t know if it was a result of the tricks and convincing or if you decided all on your own but you wiggled back down to where you needed to be, perhaps you just wanted to hear my heart beating extra loud for a little while on the inside before we meet earth side. We went and got an ultrasound to confirm your position at 37 weeks and I made sure to be extra sure the tech didn’t spill the beans about weather you are a boy or a girl, after all we’ve made it this far! (Your dad was not so secretly hoping to catch a glimpse to get a clue about what he might be in for!) but for now we’ll eagerly wait to meet you!


We got these pictures done to capture the magic of watching you grow. Your fur brother Sully came along and had the BEST time chasing the waves and even befriended a fly fisherman and went swimming chasing his fly… being oh so helpful of course.


We are as ready as were ever going to be to meet you my sweet babe <3

Love Mom xo


“So now, as my voice burble-urps in your ear—with a bump-thumpy sound that is not very clear—the words I am saying you hear in your heart and know that I wish you the very best start.

It’s a scrumptulous world and its ready to greet you. And as for my self… well.. I cant wait to meet you!” – Tish Rabe from the works of Dr. Seuss