One Year with Benen Edward Visser

November 10, 2018

One entire year has passed since bringing our beautiful baby boy into this great big world. To read about that magical day click here. Benen you are truly the greatest gift. I know I can speak on behalf of both of us, in that you have changed our lives for the better, my perspective on life in general has been drastically altered.

Over the past twelve months I tried to document your ever-changing life to the best of my ability. I compiled each months letter and picture below to keep them safe and all in one place. To say I didn’t bawl my eyes out writing and compiling this would be a bold-faced lie, just ask your dad. I’m so obsessed with you, and will always be your number one fan. I know that one day, (hopefully not too soon) you’ll be independent and hardly need us at all; but I hope you know that we will ALWAYS need you.

As you can see, as we got to know you better these letters got longer. I can’t wait to see what this next year holds and every one after that. Thank you sweet boy, for teaching me more about life and love, but most of all, thank you for choosing me to be your mom.

Love you forever,

Love Mom xo


Twelve months, 365 days, about 8760 hours, one entire year with you Benen. An entire year has passed us by. Im in disbelief yet I also feel like I’ve known you forever—I guess maybe you’ve always just been apart of my heart. You weigh 22 lbs and measure 2 ft 7 inches tall. When we snuggle in the rocking chair your body is long and drapes along mine, with legs and toes hanging over my edges and arms nestled around my torso snuggling me right back. You’re suddenly big and grown into a dare I say it “toddler”; yet I still sometimes see you as my little 8 lb 11 oz newborn babe snuggling against my chest—I probably always will.

This past month you’ve continued to flourish and enrich us with your big, sweet and genuine personality. You’re demeanor is calm, but you’re busy—there’s a lot to explore you know. Your laugh actually kills me and you’re constantly cracking up. You’ve recently started to dance when we sing, or there’s any sort of music including the wiggles on; and in my humbled opinion its pretty much the cutest thing ever. You like to share, sort of… you like to offer food and toys and then change your mind (except when it comes to sully… you’ll share pretty much everything and anything with that pup). Pointing, waving, flapping your arms in excitement, and giving hugs and open mouth kisses are your jam and I’m in love. We’re fortunate I know, for you have the ability to truly go with the flow, ever since we met, you graciously just fit in to our lives and allowed us to learn and grow together.

As your confidence grows, you’re almost walking more than you’re crawling now. You like to climb up on the couch and play with the blinds and we’re working on learning how to get down safely instead of just trying to dive off. Your curiosity sometimes manifests into mischief and you like to repetitively test your limits – only to keep you safe.

I’m probably jinxing this but we’ve finally figured out sleep—and were all feeling far more rested as a result! You love your “soo-soo’s” and continue to sleep with one in your mouth and one in each hand usually in the snail position.

This past year I have loved like never before; I have laughed with you and cried with you, I have evolved and grown along with you, I have adored you unconditionally for 365 days. Thank you for choosing me to be your mama, I am forever grateful. Happy Birthday sweet boy. Twelve months of loving on you… forever to go xo.


Eleven months and about 8030 hours with you handsome boy. You weigh approximately 22 lbs and are sturdy as can be, you’re growing taller by the second too.

This past month has been so fun watching you learn and grow. Your personality is big, and sweet and genuine and just when I think I can’t possibly love you more you go and prove me wrong. You continue to be curious and light hearted and you think laughing is hilarious with the most contagious giggle. You are quick to crawl and definitely prefer this mode of transportation to get around, but pull yourself up all day long. You took “secret” courageous steps with your Grammy, Papa and cousins, but have decided to be gentle on my mama heart and all its denial of your near toddlerhood status, and haven’t started full blown walking yet.

When we’re playing You like to crawl down the hall to your room and steal your “soo soo” out of your crib. You sleep with one in your mouth and one in your hand just like your cousins did. You still like to get up and nurse at least once a night, and im happy to have those sleepy snuggles that coincide; although sometimes I do try and remember what it felt like to have a full consistent nights rest, its a good thing you’re so gosh darn cute!

You and Sully love each other so much, you constantly give him loving gentleish.. pats and squeal in extreme excitement when he comes near you. I’m also pretty sure its no longer necessary for us to feed sully dog food, because you’ve taken on the responsibility of feeding him from your high chair. Both of your current favourites are waffles with peanut butter, fruit of any sort, and mashed potatoes. Speaking of sharing you currently LOVE to share and are constantly offering us half eaten mum mum crackers, or the TV remote (your favourite toy).

It makes my heart skip a beat and brings real tears to my eyes that the next time I do one of these reflections in a months time that you will be ONE. Eleven months of loving on you sweet boy, forever and ever to go.


Ten months and about 7300 hours with you handsome. You weigh 21.5 lbs and stand over 2ft tall. You prefer to be vertical as much as possible and constantly pull yourself up to standing at every opportunity.

You’re curious, determined, loving and calm spirited. You are becoming very busy and active in your exploration and we love watching you learn. You are getting brave and like to test your balance and I’m sure that soon you’ll be running around; but for now purposeful crawl gets you exactly where you wanna go. You are chatty and the stories you tell are big and important to anyone who will listen, and we’re all ears little man.

You’ve replaced your cheesin’ gummy smile with FIVE teeth this past month. Needless to say we’ve collectively had a lot less sleep, but a lot more snuggles and love. Growing teeth is tough work.

You continue to love on Sully, and enjoy throwing his ball and giving him ‘nice’ pats. You two like to share food and toys of all kinds.

You love to clap and wave and give big open mouth kisses. You like to eat what ever we put in front of you independently and we both still enjoy nursing although you like to actively practice gymnastics at the same time.

We love continuing to get you know you Benen, 10 months of loving on you, forever to go.


Nine months and about 6570 hours with you my sweet boy. You’ve now officially been earthside longer than our time together growing just you and I.

You weigh 20 lbs and stand (yes stand) well above my knee. My mom arms are becoming toned from toting you around on my hip, so thank you for that.

You are incredibly active, but also content to sit, watch, play and continue to inquisitively take things in. You confidently crawl around the house with purpose and determination and pull yourself up on anything you can get your hands on for a better view. You are also always attempting to put your left foot forward and walk, and can get pretty far independently with your walker all while grinning ear to ear.

Speaking of grinning Im going to miss that gummy smile, for you now have two bottom teeth about to pop through. Yesterday the corner of one actually broke the surface and you’re taking it like a champ— growing teeth is hard work.

You still love to nurse and are excited to eat anything we put in front of you. Blueberries are your absolute favourite, but runner ups include breakfast sausages, coconut yogurt, TV remotes, cell phones and dog food.

Your love for Sully continues to grow, and I think he’s getting excited that you can almost throw his ball for him. You like to snuggle in close, and tell us long winded babbly stories, listen to the shark song .. on repeat and your laugh is contagious and always lighting up our life. ⠀

Nine months of loving on you babe, forever to go xo


Eight months and about 5840 hours with you Benen. You weigh over 20 lbs, and my arms are subsequently gaining strength from holding you on my hip where you fit so perfectly.

You are mobile. You like to slither around quickly like a snake in army crawl fashion and have taken shaky but determined steps with your walker. You like to explore and are fascinated with sully’s dog dishes, lifting them up and dumping/wearing them on your head. ⠀

You don’t have any teeth yet, nope not even one, but that doesn’t affect your love for food and ability to feast upon anything we put on your tray! Your current favourite is coconut yogurt and peanut butter toast.

You like to sleep soundly straight through the night, but only twice… the two times when I haven’t been able to be home, so I’ll just go ahead and take that as a compliment I guess 

You think it’s funny when sully sneezes, and the sound of spray sunscreen cracks you up. You’re ticklish even behind your knees, and have started to hug and hang on tight.

Eight months of loving on you, forever to go handsome



Seven months, 5110 hours with you little man. You weigh 19 lbs and have long out grown your 6 month clothing.

You’re becoming so independent and happily sit, play and learn with toys and sully. You want to crawl so bad, and your determination is endearing; but for now you’re mobile by rolling, and pushing yourself backwards.

I know I’ve said this before but you are calm cool and collected like 99.9% of the time, and you’re more than happy to just go with the flow. You still like to nurse and have multiple little visits with me through the night, but that’s okay, because you’re adorable, and usually go right back to sleep.

You love food and trying new things, and although you don’t have any teeth yet you’re doing a good job learning how to chew with your gums and swallow absolutely anything and everything we put on your plate..(except eggs and pumpkin)!

You have the cheesiest grin that lights up the room, and we love getting to know you more and more every day.

Seven months of loving on you, forever to go



Six months, 4380 hours, half a year with you Benen Edward Visser.

People will tell you it goes fast, but holy on earth has this happened!? Half a year of pure joy and love.

You weigh almost 18 lbs and stand (with our help) 71 cm tall. We retired another box of clothes that no longer fit you, put your beloved mama roo that you’ve had countless naps in, into storage, and converted your stroller for you to sit like a big boy and take in the world. To be honest it’s almost too much for my delicate mama Heart to handle 

You are bright eyed, curious and happy; always looking, touching, smiling and laughing at the world around you. You like sitting up and playing with your toys, flipping the pages of books during story time and have some serious affection for Sully. You have an incredible ability to smile with your eyes and they light up everyday when dad gets home from work.

You’re experimenting with different food and textures, but prefer to nurse. You like to instinctively grab things with your left hand and consistently bring your left knee up to your elbow in a solid attempt to be mobile and crawl.

We love getting to know you, you’re loved handsome, so loved.

6 months of loving on you, forever to go



Five months and approximately 3650 hours with you handsome. You weigh approximately 17 lbs and your cute little toes are trying to bust through all your footed pajamas.

You have become SO interactive this past month. Your smile lights up the whole room and while you can still be a tough guy to crack your giggle is truly the best sound I’ve ever heard. You really do make us work for it though; I’d be lying if I said we haven’t busted a move and rapped some Sir Mix-A-Lot to you  #babygotback I love watching you play and eagerly reach for things, before inquisitively examining it and putting it in your mouth. You don’t have any teeth yet; but you’re working on it, and the amount of drool you produce is really impressive.

You went on your first big road trip this month and seriously rocked it; like it really was no big deal. You’re a laid back happy little guy; I’m really not sure how we got so incredibly lucky. You’re loved little man, oh so loved.

Five months of loving on you, forever to go



Four months and approximately 2920 hours with you sweet boy. You weigh 15.5 lbs, measure 68 cm tall and are healthy as can be.

You are happy and calm and inquisitively take in the details of this big world around you. You are the BIGGEST flirt, and flash your gummy smile to anyone who looks your way. You’re a tough guy to crack in the giggling department though, and the only one thus far to make you full on belly laugh is sully, he loves you so much.

You are mobile and active, rolling around everywhere; really changing the parenting game for us. You’ve found your feet, and you’re usually seen grabbing your toes… actually you prefer to just grab your left toes. You are so loved.

Four months of loving on you, forever to go xo


Approximately 90 days, and 2190 hours with you handsome

You weigh almost 14 lbs and I’ve officially retired all of your newborn clothes.

This month you went swimming for the first time and absolutely loved it. You also decided to giggle the most contagious giggle, and roll over in the same week and my mama heart burst with pride, but also broke just a tad at the realization of how quickly time is passing.

You are generally calm and smiley, and recently incredibly chatty — sometimes it sounds like I’m hanging out with a baby pterodactyl.

Three months of loving on you, forever to go xo


Approximately 60 days and 1460 hours hours with you sweet boy

You weigh 12.5 lbs and are 63 cm tall…but I’m still trying to jam you in teeny tiny newborn things

You still love the bath and eating and have recently started to genuinely smile and coo at all the people that love you so much, including sully, who eagerly yet patiently waits for you to throw his ball.

You had your first Christmas this month, and it was SO magical. Following that you had your first little cold and it was so sad but also adorable and ultra snuggly.

Two months of loving on you, forever to go xo


30 days, 730 hours, one entire month with you sweet boy.

You weigh 10lbs and 8 ounces of pure squishy goodness.

You love the bath and eating, and despise being cold.

When you’re not snoozing you like to calmly take in this big world around you; but don’t get me wrong, you have good strong lungs and aren’t afraid to use them (mainly to tell us that you’re cold or starving). You’re strong and wiggly, but give the absolute best snuggles.

You’ve been here a month and it has flown by, yet I can’t imagine life without you.

Love you forever xo