October 01, 2018
Magic in the mundane continues!
The past two weeks have been busy and full. Fall is upon us in full force. The house is chilly in the mornings and evenings; slippers are now an essential at all times. It is also getting so dark… its SO much harder to get up and function before the sun is up. All the leaves have fallen off of the backyard tree, the grass is luscious and green again from all the rain, and the rain jackets and boots are now a staple– out for easy access. Additionally we’ve swapped out portable fans for portable space heaters and brought out the autumn décor. Fall on Vancouver Island—It’s not horrible.
Over the past couple days little Benen has popped another tooth for a total of six… four on the bottom and his two front ones up top resulting in the cheesiest of grins! His hair is growing long and whispy in parts over his ears and he’s ready to start running at any second. Seriously full blown independent walking is moments away.
He is currently most happy and content watching baseball with Josh when he gets home from work, going for walks in the stroller, squealing in delight when Sully shows him any form of attention and splashing ferociously and joyously in the bath. We subbed out another large lot of clothes for this growing boy, and put another tote of loved garments into storage for potential future siblings. Short sleeve rompers and tank tops were replaced with sweaters, pants and cozy pajamas. [Side note…no one told me that when becoming a mother you have to have a whole organizational system for baby clothing.]
Last weekend we spent some time in Vancouver for me to complete the seawheeze 2018 half marathon. I will likely devote a specific post to reflect on the memories and triumphs the weekend entailed but to sum it all up; I ran in the rain, we celebrated, and Benen went with the flow.
This weekend we kept things simple. Josh devoted some time to the office and played hockey, we walked and caught up with good pals, we had a lazy Sunday morning sipping hot coffee, we visited grandparents (we’re lucky enough to have both sets in the same town) and snuck in a lunch date and board game before concluding the weekend with some real talk about financial goals, and future hopes and dreams.
I’ve started to mentally prepare myself about going back to work…and what that may or may not look like. This time last year I was starting to “nest” and prepare for having a newborn and this year… currently I’m in a way, doing that again. Getting all my ducks in a row, meal prepping healthy dinners and snacks and filling the freezer. For I know, that when I get home from work the only thing Im going to want to do is soak up Benen.
As I wrap this up and get ready for bed, I’d like to leave this fragment with a little quote:
“You were made to create. To love. To grow. to be infatuated with life and sharing pieces of yourself with the universe. You were made to celebrate. the big things. the little things. today. tomorrow. the promise of the future. the brilliance of morning. the warmth of a hand to hold. The smell of forgiveness. the touch of a lover. The smile of an infant. Rain. Flowers. Victories. Sadness. Laughter. Learn to embrace it all. Let it all embrace you. ” //Alison Malee