Happy 2nd Birthday CC

Dear Charlie,


Oh CC where do I even start. Two incredible years with you my sweet girl. Each day with you is an entertaining adventure and I'm all in for the experience of knowing you, loving you and learning from you.


Sadly the Covid pandemic life still continues, and it humbles me that this way of life is all you've really known. Despite this, you have grown so much within this past year, embracing toddlerhood with curiosity, hilarity and grace. This year you were pretty excited for your birthday, asking when it was daily in the months leading up, I think you were maybe excited for us to ultimately celebrate you, but love, I celebrate you every day.


Your communication and words are amazing, and while we endearingly often call you "CC" for Charlie Carter, Chatty Charlie is also very much applicable. You are friendly, waving to strangers and talk lovingly about your friends and family members. You take great care in being such a good mama to all your dollies and stuffed animals and are insistent that you know how to do this best.  You are a true little comedian, always making us laugh with your hilarious sense of humor.  Benen actually insisted on buying you a bunch of bananas for your birthday this year because according to four year old Benen you're either being a silly banana or a bad banana….

That brother of yours loves you so much. It makes me teary and grateful to witness the two of you navigate siblinghood. You are learning to play together and with that comes all the sibling love and sibling squabbles.When it comes down to it, he is so protective of you; but he can also learn so much from you, what a gift. 


When asked what your favorite food is, you'll say pizza every time. You also love  breakfast sausages, protein in general, Caesar salad and your not afraid of a little spice. You still like “bubba” and while we’ve worked on manners of not just lifting my shirt, I typically always oblige because nursing you is one of the only times you are interested in snuggling, and I'm savoring these quiet moments of just us.   


You keep me on my toes in the best way! A  “Mama, watch this” from you, grabs my attention differently than when those words come from your brother. You are Brave and reminded yourself of this when it came to meeting Santa this year, quietly muttering "CC brave" to yourself repeatedly. You are strong, I'm honestly shocked you haven't figured out how to climb out of your crib yet. You are sweet and spicy , honestly the perfect combo. You exude confidence I could learn from, and have a sense of fearlessness that I admire.


Your  mullet is really coming along and we can almost get all of it into one pony tail, but you usually rock the business up front in a high fountain pony tail and party in the back. When you feel like it, you dole out closed mouth kisses, and ginormous bear hugs. You think your Dad is the best, often exclaiming "OHHH Daaaaaaad" and you have him wrapped around all 10 of your fingers and toes; he’s actually done for when it comes to a request big or small from you. You love watching video memories and looking at pictures, especially ones of uncle "Cah" as you call him. My goodness he would be absolutely amazed by and adore you.


Happy Birthday sweet girl. You add such zest to our little family and watching you learn and grow is one of my favourite things. Thank you for choosing me to be your mom, I can’t wait to continue loving on you while you teach me all about life in a new lens.


Love you forever,


Love Mom

